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Tigers Helping Tigers

Making an impact and feed a Tiger.

Fighting Food Insecurity on the RIT Campus!

You are invited to make a gift to the RIT FoodShare, in support of our students who have food insecurities. 

RIT FoodShare

The RIT FoodShare Center was established in 2015 with two simple goals: to reduce food waste on campus and to provide RIT community members with access to safe and nutritious food

For the past eight years, the Center has done just that, logging over 26,000 visits to its location at 113 Riverknoll, and ensuring access to nutritious food for almost a thousand community members each year. This fall semester, they open a second location in the residence halls, giving students another access hub to food. With two locations, there is a greater need to fill the shelves and stock the pantries. In addition to supplying more nutritious food, there is a large goal of acquiring a small utility transport vehicle

"This vehicle has recently become essential with the expansion of RIT FoodShare East and increased donations on campus. With the utility vehicle, we will be able to transport donations from donation drives, dining services, and FoodShare locations efficiently. " 

— Kathryn Cilano, Director for the Center for Leadership and Civic Engagement

Consider making a gift today before the year comes to a close.

Thank you!

Read more about RIT FoodShare. >

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